#one piece irregular limericks
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
one piece irregular limericks: lawbin edition
There was a young lady from Ohara, Arms reached for stars, supernovas, From refuge, was spurned, Home razed and burned, Law called her Nico-ya 🖤
Vote here!
Okay! so the One Piece Shipping Wars Poll, LawBin vs LawSan at present has LawBin at 39.6%. That's up from 36.5% yesterday! At present, I'm aiming for 40%. If they reach 40%, I'll write an irregular limerick for any One Piece character that you put in the replies of this post or in my ask box.
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First person gets the limerick, and thereafter, I'll write a limerick for every 0.5% increase (if folks send me characters). Irregular just means I don't abide by the formal limerick form.
I'll need to sleep in about 4 hours? It's 20:42 here (Aug 19). So if they reach 40% and then drop down again, can someone send me a screencap or something similar? Anyway.
(One piece polls, you don't have to reblog, but just if you wanted to!).
LawBin nations and folks who like the ship, reblogs appreciated!
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globalworship · 4 years ago
Lorica Sancti Patricii (St. Patrick's Breastplate), Old Irish
Attributed to St. Patrick, Lorica Sancti Patricii, St. Patrick’s Breastplate, is one of Ireland’s oldest surviving pieces of literature.  In the Lorica’s famous verses, St. Patrick prays for divine strength and protection to surround him: ‘Christ beside me, Christ before me... Christ in the heart of every person who thinks of me’.
 The Lorica’s repeated phrase ‘I arise today’ (atomriug indiu) resonates profoundly in a time when getting out of bed and facing another day in lockdown is a challenge and a victory in itself. 
 The work is a collaboration with Old-Irish specialist, Dr. Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh of University College Cork’s Roinn na Sean- agus Mean-Ghaeilge (Department of Old and Middle Irish).  Dr. Caitríona’s expertise facilitated approximate pronunciations and the conservation of the Lorica’s unique and ever-changing meter.  
The irregularity of the Lorica’s meter more closely resembles a spell text rather than a Christian hymn.
Composed and performed by Fiachra Ó Corragáin Old-Irish consultancy: Dr. Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh Production: Fiachra Ó Corragáin Mastering: Pete Maher
https://fiachraharp.com/​ https://www.instagram.com/fiachraharp/ ​ https://www.facebook.com/FiachraHarp
A good article on St. Patrick: https://saintsbridge.org/2018/11/18/st-patrick-of-ireland-guest-post-by-dr-michelle-p-brown/
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Pictured is St. Patrick carved into a wall at Askeaton Friary in Limerick.
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whitepolaris · 4 years ago
Crop Carvings
Grain of truth or Circles of Confusion?
In M. Night Shyamalan’s film Signs, strange crop circles begin to appear mysteriously in the fields of a Pennsylvania farm, owned by Mel Gibson in the unlikely role of the farmer. Like most of Shyamalan’s films, Signs is set within striking distance of suburban Philadelphia, where the director grew up. But the commonwealth has a much longer history of what crop-circles fans like to call UGMs, sort for unusual ground markings. 
Though many crop circles are pranks, hoaxes, or concept art pieces, not all of them are so easy to explain away. Some of these nocturnal formations register extreme levels of magnetic or nuclear energy that causes headaches, dizziness, or nausea-or, in some cases, bring temporary relief to suffers of chronic health problems. 
So what causes the phenomenon? The Pennsylvania Dutch, who observed crop circles early on, have long attributed them to witches dancing on Walpurgis Night (May 1). In their distinctive German dialect, they call the ceremony Hexen Danz (”witches’ dance”) and use the term to refer to crop circles as well. Such stories hearken back to the old European concept of fairy rings-dead or discolored circles in grass, or round clusters of mushrooms, all supposedly caused by the fancy footwork of supernatural creatures.
But fairy rings have a clear scientific cause-underground fungal growth. That’s not the case with crop circles, which are geometric patterns of bent wheat stalks with “knuckles” at the bend that cannot be attributed to microorganisms. 
Naturally, the commonwealth’s many UFO enthusiasts show a great interest in UGMs, and their investigations have corroborated (and dismissed) a number of incidents over the past few decades. On May 25, 1992, in a wheat field in Limerick, north of Philly, at least a dozen matted down areas appeared overnight. One of the areas was T-shaped, and three of them were circles about five feet across, arranged in a triangular configuration. The owner of the land explained that this kind of thing happened every year, but UFO investigators suspected a hoax. Soil samples and Geiger counter readings at the site showed no irregularities. However, an investigator from Ursinus College in Collegeville found some interesting facets in the samples from the circles. Wheat and oats from the Limerick site and nearby Linfield showed some irregularities at the growth nodes-the place where leaves and stems branch out. There was some odd cracking and redirection at the nodes that do not occur normally. 
But perhaps the most interesting case of crop circles in recent history happened in Linesville, Crawford County. It was there that several sources reported a strange series of events on a forty-acre farm. Early on the morning of July 31, 2000, the Beitz family heard a humming noise, like snoring but without any pauses. They discovered that a formation had appeared in their field, but their video camera suffered ill effects when they tried to capture evidence of it-a fresh battery pack reportedly drained completely when it was taken into the field. Moreover, their compasses would not work there either. 
According to a report on the Web site of Lucy Pringle, a British crop-circle expert, Kevin and Trina Beitz were inside the crop formation at their farm for about two hours, and after this, Trina noticed a temporary remission from a debilitating condition she suffers from called fibromyalgia. For several days, the fatigue and the twelve-hour sleep sessions that she normally needed were replaced by increased energy, good spirits, and lessening of her usual chronic pain. Kevin experienced relief of symptoms from a long-standing neck injury, and visiting relatives suffering from migraines and asthma attacks also experienced relief from their conditions. 
Whatever caused the Beitz crop configurations, it was clearly not a couple of pranksters. We’ll probably never know the cause, but if the results are anything to go by, it was not a malicious entity-which is odd, really, considering that this takes place in Signs country. Just goes to show you that you can’t believe everything you see in movies. 
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
irregular one piece limericks — doflamingo
Doffy’s early life is hazy, Some say it drove him crazy, Others say madness came from a wayward chromosome Corrupted before he was a baby
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
one piece irregular limericks: garp
There was an old man named Garp, On and on and on he’d harp, How his son joined the revos, Now his grandsons were devos But only the once he ever lost his spark.
(I'm wasting time, or more so, avoiding work. I'm not a purist with limericks (or, you know metre and feet and all), so just having fun. If you've got an op character and a safe for work object, drop it in my inbox, and I'll see what I can do.
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
A Mihawk limerick with Yoru and his garden?
one piece irregular limericks: dracule mihawk
There once was a warrior from the Isle of Muggy, And a bumbling pariah by the name of Buggy, Yoru cut his flesh ever so precisely, The clown in shock cried out tightly, Then foiled the foil, fusing snugly. Buggy, the ever lucky.
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Hope you enjoy, nonny!
Heading to bed, but if anyone wants to pop in any requests for an irregular one piece limerick, drop a character and SFW object into my inbox. I'll get to them my tomorrow, depending on tasks!
And, sorry, Anon—I forgot about the garden! (and the last rhyme doesn't quite work, but whaddya do?!)
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
irregular limericks: perona!
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Some said Perona and her brolly were oh so goth-go-lolly, Ennui was the most real with her ghosts To mock her was a folly.
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Jolly hockey sticks! Rah rah rah! (<--that's grass hockey of course. What other kind is there? Heheh). Okay. I've still got a bit of wasting time to go. I can write you an irregular limerick for a One Piece character. Just drop me an ask, or reply to a post. Character and one SFW object.
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
one piece irregular limericks: nami
There was a young lady named Nami, who loved her family and money, One day she lost all, Fell and took the fall for a village enslaved by piracy.
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(Playing with assonance here! I know they're not perfect! Send a character and SFW object, or not, and I'll see what I can do) 🍊
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
Once Piece Irregular Limericks: ShaPen Edition!
Okay! Well, LawBin shippers are not huge in numbers, so I’m figuring you’re cheering from the sidelines. The numbers have dropped but it did read 40%! So limerick 2 is for @alegnace for ShaPen! (check out their Heart Pirates art!)
Harsh North Blue two warriors whence came,  Shachi and Penguin their Brave names, Tricksters and smart, Feared Pirates of Heart! Swashbuckling the name of their game.
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Vote here! (LawBin vs LawSan)
and if you wanna check out the ShaPen vs KidKil
Vote here! (ShaPen vs KidKil)
Next limerick gets written at 41%? 40.0%? 0.5% might have us waiting too long (cos they dropped back down to 39.8)!
Drop a character you’d like a limerick for in replies (or a ship, but I don't do ASL, CoraLaw or DofLaw). It’s okay if the percentage hasn’t been reached. (Can do other ships in the poll!).
Screenshot of the poll results screencap are below the cut.
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Taken August 20, 01:14:32 (UTC +9)
one piece irregular limericks: lawbin edition
There was a young lady from Ohara, Arms reached for stars and supernovas, From refuge she was spurned, Her country razed and burned, Trafalgar Law called her Nico-ya 🖤
Vote here!
Okay! so the One Piece Shipping Wars Poll, LawBin vs LawSan at present has LawBin at 39.6%. That's up from 36.5% yesterday! At present, I'm aiming for 40%. If they reach 40%, I'll write an irregular limerick for any One Piece character that you put in the replies of this post or in my ask box.
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First person gets the limerick, and thereafter, I'll write a limerick for every 0.5% increase (if folks send me characters). Irregular just means I don't abide by the formal limerick form.
I'll need to sleep in about 4 hours? It's 20:42 here (Aug 19). So if they reach 40% and then drop down again, can someone send me a screencap or something similar? Anyway.
(One piece polls, you don't have to reblog, but just if you wanted to!).
LawBin nations and folks who like the ship, reblogs appreciated!
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
One PIece Irregular Limericks: DofuWani edition
The thing about Dofuwani, Is that they're rather funny, About the cut and the slice, The roll of the dice, Murder, Mayhem, Money.
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Wanna vote for Dofuwani? Poll is here!
Okay, man! I should really go to bed, but it's time of DofuWani LawBin hit 40.6%! and that's more than a 5% increase from before (it's dropped to 40.5, but it's still an increase from before!)
Wanna vote for LawBin? Vote here!
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August 20, 03:20 am (UTC +9)
one piece irregular limericks: lawbin edition
There was a young lady from Ohara, Arms reached for stars and supernovas, From refuge she was spurned, Her country razed and burned, Trafalgar Law called her Nico-ya 🖤
Vote here!
Okay! so the One Piece Shipping Wars Poll, LawBin vs LawSan at present has LawBin at 39.6%. That's up from 36.5% yesterday! At present, I'm aiming for 40%. If they reach 40%, I'll write an irregular limerick for any One Piece character that you put in the replies of this post or in my ask box.
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First person gets the limerick, and thereafter, I'll write a limerick for every 0.5% increase (if folks send me characters). Irregular just means I don't abide by the formal limerick form.
I'll need to sleep in about 4 hours? It's 20:42 here (Aug 19). So if they reach 40% and then drop down again, can someone send me a screencap or something similar? Anyway.
(One piece polls, you don't have to reblog, but just if you wanted to!).
LawBin nations and folks who like the ship, reblogs appreciated!
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
One Piece Irregular Limericks: Brook/Yorki
In celebration of that brief fleeting moment when LawBin reached 40.8% (August 20, 04:01 am, UTC +9) have a Brorki limerick.
Trilling the keys of the piano, Brook remembers Calico, His captain strong, He knew him long, Their hearts beat simpatico.
If you want to vote for Brook and Yorki: Poll and cool art here!
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And, I think our morbid duo did well to get to 40%, but I'm not sure they'll edge beyond that (currently at 40.5%), so gonna celebrate the 40% (and almost 41%) at least! And hang up my poetic hat for now ❤️
If you wanna give LawBin some support, poll here!
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one piece irregular limericks: lawbin edition
There was a young lady from Ohara, Arms reached for stars and supernovas, From refuge she was spurned, Her country razed and burned, Trafalgar Law called her Nico-ya 🖤
Vote here!
Okay! so the One Piece Shipping Wars Poll, LawBin vs LawSan at present has LawBin at 39.6%. That's up from 36.5% yesterday! At present, I'm aiming for 40%. If they reach 40%, I'll write an irregular limerick for any One Piece character that you put in the replies of this post or in my ask box.
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First person gets the limerick, and thereafter, I'll write a limerick for every 0.5% increase (if folks send me characters). Irregular just means I don't abide by the formal limerick form.
I'll need to sleep in about 4 hours? It's 20:42 here (Aug 19). So if they reach 40% and then drop down again, can someone send me a screencap or something similar? Anyway.
(One piece polls, you don't have to reblog, but just if you wanted to!).
LawBin nations and folks who like the ship, reblogs appreciated!
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
one piece irregular limericks: yamace edition
LawBin, you keep surprising me. Reached 42% August 22 at about 09:23 (UTC+9), soon after I put in my tags I'd write for one of the other ships if they reached that number (they were at 41.9%).
Say what you will about them, incrementally, their numbers keep increasing (with setbacks), even if they're not the majority. At the moment of writing this, they had 276 people voting for them! (PS: they've dropped back down to 41.9%, but I have screen caps!).
Brave of heart and fair of face, Star-crossed lovers, Yamace, Fire and ice, Awfully nice. But Vivre cards, not a trace. 🔥❄️
I wrote it quickly, so I'll fix up the scanning etc. later, AND, sorry, it's sad. If you want to vote for these two sweeties, poll here! (1 day, 16 hours left!)
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RE: LawBin, just like the true history our sharp tongued and minded duo are searching for, a steady 42% remains elusive, but if you'd like to vote for them: poll here! 🐯🌺
(And they've dropped to 41.7%, but a vote or two makes all the difference when talking about points of a percent! Screen cap as proof of the 42%!)
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August 22, 09:23 am, UTC+9. (2 days, 16 hours left to vote).
I'll write for Akataka if LawBin gain a little more today! Or AceSan, but AceSan are doing a little better.
one piece irregular limericks: lawbin edition
There was a young lady from Ohara, Arms reached for stars and supernovas, From refuge she was spurned, Her country razed and burned, Trafalgar Law called her Nico-ya 🖤
Vote here!
Okay! so the One Piece Shipping Wars Poll, LawBin vs LawSan at present has LawBin at 39.6%. That's up from 36.5% yesterday! At present, I'm aiming for 40%. If they reach 40%, I'll write an irregular limerick for any One Piece character that you put in the replies of this post or in my ask box.
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First person gets the limerick, and thereafter, I'll write a limerick for every 0.5% increase (if folks send me characters). Irregular just means I don't abide by the formal limerick form.
I'll need to sleep in about 4 hours? It's 20:42 here (Aug 19). So if they reach 40% and then drop down again, can someone send me a screencap or something similar? Anyway.
(One piece polls, you don't have to reblog, but just if you wanted to!).
LawBin nations and folks who like the ship, reblogs appreciated!
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